Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mock Boards

Well, I would have failed boards by 1 point. That would be so discouraging. I am so glad we have mock boards to walk us through the process. I made some small mistakes that I won't on the real boards. I wrote in insignificant information when I was filling out the extra and intra oral exam. I also will take x-rays next time. My patient was late and that got me a little anxious. I just didn't have time to take x-rays that day. I also had never seen the pt. before, so I was a little nervous about the whole thing anyway. I learned a lot mock board day. I don't want my pt. for real boards being late. I think I will tell the pt. to be there early so I won't have to worry. I didn't really know if I would pay my patient, but I am starting to think it's a good idea to pay them if they're there on time, then hopefully I wouldn't have to worry.

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