Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It really stinks when patients cancel their appointment the night before they are suppose to be seen, especially when they are a classification you need. That happened to me today. I was going to have a good day of a class 3 and a class 2 patient. The class 2 patient cancelled and all I was able to see was a class 5 to take the place. It was okay because I still need almost all the classes of patient (not 1B's), but it was still a little dissappointing. I am hoping to reschedule and not have the patient cancel again.
My class 3 patient was a good experience. He is going to be my mock board! I was able to clean two quads today so I hope I am ready for next Tuesday. He seems to be a good patient. He remembered to come and was on time. Hopefully that is how it works out on mock board day. I don't want this patient to be half an hour late like my last mock board patient.


Claire said...

Sorry your patient canceled. That's the worst. I was scrambling yesterday trying to find a patient, too. That's great you have a mockboard pt, though.

holly said...

I'm glad you had a good experience with your class 3 pt today. That will help a lot to have already seen him and cleaned half his mouth before mock boards. Keep up the good work! :)